Getsataselftestinstructionfielddescription, Getsataselftestinstructionfieldid – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual

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Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual

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BOOL GetSATASelfTestInstructionFieldDescription (

int nInstructionIndex,

int nFieldIndex,

BSTR* pFieldDescription);

int nInstructionIndex

Index of an object (all instructions, including Send)

int nFieldIndex

Index of a field of SATA self-test instruction.

BSTR* pFieldDescription

Description of a field of SATA self-test instruction.

Return Value
Returns result of method, whether called by valid index or not.

Returns description of a field in a SATA self-test instruction.
Call this method only for SATA self-test instruction.


int GetSATASelfTestInstructionFieldID (

int nInstructionIndex,

int nFieldIndex);

int nInstructionIndex

Index of an object (all instructions, including Send)

int nFieldIndex

Index of a field of SATA self-test instruction.

Return Value
Specifies field ID of a field of SATA self-test instruction.

Returns field ID of a field in a SATA self-test instruction.
Call this method only for SATA self-test instruction.