Modifying an existing analyzer project, Set trigger mode/strategy, Modify an existing analyzer capture project – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual

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Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual

Using Analyzer API 56

CSerialSCSICaptureProject::Open ()

long Open (BSTR bstrFileName, IDataBlocks *pIDB, long bDoneConvertIfNeeded);


-> Open (, NULL,



BSTR bstrFileName: Path of the project file

IDataBlocks *pIDB: Pointer of DataBlocks that must be correct in Analyzer/

Exerciser Project

Long bDoneConvertIfNeeded: If saved project is in X1, X2 or X4 and you want to

open in another type, sometimes you must delete some pattern or direction of a

pattern. If bDoneConvertIfNeeded is TRUE, this item will get deleted. Otherwise,

an error code is returned by the Open function.

Return Value If this method succeeds, the return value equals to CEI_OK.

Otherwise, the return value equals to the status error code

Description Call the Open () method to open a saved analyzer project.

Modifying an Existing Analyzer Project

Modifying an Analyzer Project involves modifying pattern strategies of Trigger/ Condition

Expression Items, Capture Items, and settings of Trigger Position, Memory Mode and Output

sample file path.

Set Trigger Mode/Strategy

To set the trigger strategy (Don’t Care [Snapshot] / Manual / Pattern), call the SetTrigStrategy ()

function of the Capture Project object with TrigStrategyEnum as its only parameter.
(Refer to TestCaptureProject -> TestCaptureProjectView.cpp ->
OnRunButton ().



