Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual

Page 53

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Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual

Using Analyzer API 53

To set the Analyzer link enable status, use GetLinkIsEnable () of Capture project and

SetAnalyzerLinkEnable () of Extraction

m_pICaptureProject->GetLinkIsEnable (nIndex);

IExtraction->SetAnalyzerLinkEnable (nIndex/2,

m_pICatureProject -> GetProjectType (), abLinkIsEnable [0],
abLinkIsEnable [1]);

After that, upload and create the sample, by calling the DumpAndExtract () function of the

Extraction object with sample file path string as its only parameter.

IExtraction->DumpAndExtract (m_pICaptureProject->GetOutputFile

For Function Prototypes and Descriptions

(Refer to

Create Instances of the two objects just declared in the main class of your application

for prototype and description of CreateInstance ().)
CSerialSCSICaptureProject::get_AnalyzerSpeed ()

HRESULT get_AnalyzerSpeed (int nIndex, AnalyzerSpeedEnum *pVal);


-> get_AnalyzerSpeed

(, &);


int nIndex: Board Index

AnalyzerSpeedEnum *eAnalyzerSpeed: Speed of the analyzer in terms of Gbps

Return Value None
Description Call get_AnalyzerSpeed () method to retrieve the current speed of the

Analyzer capture project