Open, Pastespecialstate, Pastespecial – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual

Page 289

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Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual

ISerialSCSICaptureProject 289


long Open (

BSTR bstrFileName,

IDataBlocks* pIDB,

BOOL bDoneConvertIfNeeded);

BSTR bstrFileName

Path of the project file

IDataBlocks* pIDB

Pointer of data block that must be correct in exerciser/analyzer


BOOL bDoneConvertIfNeeded If saved project is in x1, x2, or x4, and you want to open in another

type, sometimes you must delete some pattern or direction of a

pattern. If bDoneConvertIfNeeded is TRUE, this item is deleted.

Otherwise, an error code is returned by the Open function.

Return Value
If this method succeeds, the return value equals CEI_OK. Otherwise, the return value is set to

the status error code (see

API Error


Opens a project. If this method fails, you can use the return error code to get the error code
