Register dlls and setup, Visual c, Import 1 – Teledyne LeCroy Sierra SAS_SATA Protocol Analyzer STX API Reference Manual User Manual
Page 180
Sierra SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX Software API Reference Manual
Visual C++ 180
Register DLLs and Setup
The API is COM-based, so you must register some COM DLLs on your host machine. You must
import the following DLLs into your API application:
SAS.exe or ST.exe
To register all necessary DLLs, run the SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX software (SAS.exe or
ST.exe) in simulation or real mode and then exit. The software registers all necessary DLLs.
NOTE: If you already ran the SAS.exe or ST.exe software, you do not need to run it again.
ISASAPISrvs is implemented on both SAS.exe and ST.exe, with the same interface and
implementation. The interface registeration class changes according to the last run of SAS.exe
or ST.exe.
Visual C++
You can import DLLs or use the APIHeader.h file.
Import 1
If you use Visual C++, import the above DLLs using the following:
#import "C:\\Program Files\\Catalyst\\SAS\\Exe\\CEIEnums.dll"
using namespace CEIENUMSLib;
#import "C:\\Program Files\\Catalyst\\SAS\\Exe\\CEIStorageEnum.dll"
using namespace CEISTORAGEENUMLib;
#import "C:\\Program Files\\Catalyst\\SAS\\Exe\\DBE.dll"
using namespace DBELib;
#import "C:\\Progra
m Files\\
using namespace SASENGINELib;
#import "C:\\Program Files\\Catalyst\\SAS\/Exe\\SASAutomation.tlb"
using namespace SasAutomationAPILib;
"C:\\Program Files\\Catalyst\\SAS\\Exe" is the path of your SAS/SATA Protocol Suite, STX
software. If you installed it at another path, use that path.
You can import the above DLLs in the StdAfx.h file.