Teledyne LeCroy FireInspector - Users Manual User Manual

Page 67

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User’s ManualCATC Trace Fil


• Physical ID (phy_ID)

The value of the packet’s phy_ID field. The physical ID is dis-

played in the bottom half of the field that contains the packet type.

PHY Configuration Packets

PHY configuration packet rows contain these fields in addition to the general packet display
elements listed on page 50.

• Root ID (phy_ID)

The value of the packet’s root_ID field. The root ID is displayed in

the bottom half of the field that contains the transaction code. This value is displayed
only if the “R” bit is set.

• “R” bit (R)

The value of the packet’s R field. This field is displayed only if the “R” bit

is set.

• “T” bit (T)

The value of the packet’s T field. This field is displayed only if the “T” bit

is set.

• Gap count (gap_cnt)

The value of the packet’s gap_count field. This field is displayed

only if the “T” bit is set.

Extended PHY Packets

Extended PHY packet rows contain these fields in addition to the general packet display
elements listed on page 50.

• Physical ID (phy_ID)

The value of the packet’s phy_ID field. The physical ID is dis-

played in the bottom half of the field that contains the transaction code.

• Extended packet type (Type)

The value of the packet’s type field.

The rest of the fields in extended PHY packet rows vary depending on the packet type.

Ping Packet Fields (Type = Ping)

Ping packet rows contain no additional fields.

Remote Access Packet Fields (Type = Access base or Access paged)

• Selected page (Page)

The value of the packet’s page field.

• Selected port (Port)

The value of the packet’s port field.

• Selected register (Reg)

The value of the packet’s reg field.

Remote Reply Packet Fields (Type = Reply base or Reply paged)

• Selected page (Page)

The value of the packet’s page field.

• Selected port (Port)

The value of the packet’s port field.

• Selected register (Reg)

The value of the packet’s reg field.

• Read data (Data)

The value of the packet’s data field.

Remote Command Packet (Type = Command)

• Selected port (Port)

The value of the packet’s port field.