System configurations – Teledyne LeCroy PeRT3 Phoenix System User Manual
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Teledyne LeCroy
System Configurations
The analog front end provides advanced high quality signal generation with precise
timing control, and the ability to produce a controlled signal waveform with user‐
controlled jitter levels, amplitude modulation and other electrical stress generation. The
analog front end superimposes these signal impairments on the outgoing signal to
exercise and test the receiver channel of the device under test.
The PeRT
Phoenix System provides the ability to control and modulate the outgoing test
signal. Test capabilities include modulation of clock noise and jitter, signal shaping (such
as amplitude control, rise/fall generation), pre‐ and de‐emphasis, and also the ability to
monitor the signal quality of the traffic returned from the test device.
The “protocol‐enabled” capabilities of the PeRT
Phoenix also allow the system to
manage protocol‐specific issues that confuse less sophisticated test systems. An example
is the resynchronization of clocks in SATA systems through the use of the ALIGN
primitives. The PeRT
Phoenix can monitor and record protocol‐level errors such as CRC
errors, and protocol‐specific errors such as R_ERR in SATA.
The PeRT
Phoenix is able to: (1) generate patterns which produce standardized tests
such as PRBS; (2) generate protocol‐level commands, which can be used both to control
the device under test (e.g., to put the device into a loop‐back self‐test mode, or request
information from the device on errors detected by the device); and (3) provide testing
under live traffic conditions while the PeRT
Phoenix exercises the device under test.
The unique combination of abilities provided by the PeRT
Phoenix allows the user, with a
single system and setup, to run through an entire range of tests to verify the total
performance of the device under test. The result is an economical, efficient and easy‐to‐
use system for any developer working on serial data communication designs or devices.
System Configurations
The PeRT
Phoenix System is available in the following hardware configurations:
Phoenix System ‐‐ 1 channel
Software Test Suites
The software test suites are configured by protocol support desired, with the following
options available:
Phoenix Receiver Tolerance Test Suite, which is a general purpose suite without
specific protocol support
Phoenix SAS Receiver Tolerance Test Suite, which supports SAS protocol
Phoenix SATA Receiver Tolerance Test Suite, which supports SATA
Phoenix PCI Express Receiver Tolerance Test Suite, which supports PCI Express
Phoenix USB 3.0 Receiver Tolerance Test Suite, which supports USB 3.0