Chapter 2, Overview – Teledyne LeCroy PeRT3 Phoenix System User Manual
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Teledyne LeCroy PeRT
Phoenix System User Manual
Chapter 2
The Teledyne LeCroy PeRT
Phoenix Test System is a new tool for testing of transceivers
and other serial data communication devices and systems. Verifying device performance
to current serial data standards normally requires multiple tools and multiple test setups,
in order to test the devices over the entire range of requirements, from signal quality and
BER testing through to protocol level error rate verification. With the Teledyne LeCroy
Phoenix, this entire process can be accomplished quickly and easily, using a single
tool and a single experimental setup, on multiple lanes of a serial communication link.
The PeRT
Phoenix System is the first “protocol enabled” transceiver tester, allowing the
system to run not only electrical testing and error ratio testing, but also to control the
device under test during test operation. This allows further testing under live traffic
conditions since the PeRT
Phoenix can communicate directly with the device, generating
actual traffic to exercise the device, which then can be used to measure protocol‐level
error ratios.
stands for Protocol enabled Receiver and Transmitter Tolerance Tester.
The PeRT
Phoenix combines the electrical test properties of jitter testers, the bit error
ratio testing of BERTs, and the high level protocol packet error ratio testing of protocol
exercisers. All of this is accomplished with a single system and single setup.
The PeRT
Phoenix System has an integrated design, combining digital electronics and
signal processing with an analog front end. The PeRT
Phoenix digital subsystem provides
programmability, protocol awareness, and digital test pattern generation.
Figure 2.1: Phoenix Front Panel