Teledyne LeCroy WaveRunner XI SERIES Operator’s Manual User Manual
Page 24

The Software Product is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other
intellectual property laws and treaties. The Software Product is licensed, not sold. The terms of this printed,
paper EULA supersede the terms of any on-screen license agreement found within the Software Product.
1.2 Upgrades. If the Software Product is labeled as an “upgrade,” (or other similar designation) the License will
not take effect, and you will have no right to use or access the Software Product unless you are properly licensed
to use a product identified by LeCroy as being eligible for the upgrade (“Underlying Product”). A Software Product
labeled as an “upgrade” replaces and/or supplements the Underlying Product. You may use the resulting
upgraded product only in accordance with the terms of this EULA. If the Software Product is an upgrade of a
component of a package of software programs that you licensed as a single product, the Software Product may
be used and transferred only as part of that single product package and may not be separated for use on more
than one computer.
1.3. Limitations. Except as specifically permitted in this EULA, you will not directly or indirectly (a) use any
Confidential Information to create any software or documentation that is similar to any of the Software Product or
Documentation; (b) encumber, transfer, rent, lease, time-share or use the Software Product in any service bureau
arrangement; (c) copy (except for archival purposes), distribute, manufacture, adapt, create derivative works of,
translate, localize, port or otherwise modify the Software Product or the Documentation; (d) permit access to the
Software Product by any party developing, marketing or planning to develop or market any product having
functionality similar to or competitive with the Software Product; (e) publish benchmark results relating to the
Software Product, nor disclose Software Product features, errors or bugs to third parties; or (f) permit any third
party to engage in any of the acts proscribed in clauses (a) through (e). In jurisdictions in which transfer is
permitted, notwithstanding the foregoing prohibition, transfers will only be effective if you transfer a copy of this
EULA, as well as all copies of the Software Product, whereupon your right to use the Software product will
terminate. Except as described in this Section 1.3, You are not permitted (i) to decompile, disassemble, reverse
compile, reverse assemble, reverse translate or otherwise reverse engineer the Software Product, (ii) to use any
similar means to discover the source code of the Software Product or to discover the trade secrets in the Software
Product, or (iii) to otherwise circumvent any technological measure that controls access to the Software Product.
You may reverse engineer or otherwise circumvent the technological measures protecting the Software Product
for the sole purpose of identifying and analyzing those elements that are necessary to achieve Interoperability
(the “Permitted Objective”) only if: (A) doing so is necessary to achieve the Permitted Objective and it does not
constitute infringement under Title 17 of the United States Code; (B) such circumvention is confined to those parts
of the Software Product and to such acts as are necessary to achieve the Permitted Objective; (C) the information
to be gained thereby has not already been made readily available to you or has not been provided by LeCroy
within a reasonable time after a written request by you to LeCroy to provide such information; (D) the information
gained is not used for any purpose other than the Permitted Objective and is not disclosed to any other person
except as may be necessary to achieve the Permitted Objective; and (E) the information obtained is not used (1)
to create a computer program substantially similar in its expression to the Software Product including, but not
limited to, expressions of the Software Product in other computer languages, or (2) for any other act restricted by
LeCroy’s intellectual property rights in the Software Product. “Interoperability” will have the same meaning in this
EULA as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. §1201(f), the ability of computer programs to
exchange information and of such programs mutually to use the information which has been exchanged.
PRERELEASE CODE. Portions of the Software Product may be identified as prerelease code (“Prerelease
Code”). Prerelease Code is not at the level of performance and compatibility of the final, generally available
product offering. The Prerelease Code may not operate correctly and may be substantially modified prior to first
commercial shipment. LeCroy is not obligated to make this or any later version of the Prerelease Code
commercially available. The License with respect to the Prerelease Code terminates upon availability of a
commercial release of the Prerelease Code from LeCroy.
At LeCroy’s sole discretion, from time to time, LeCroy may provide Updates to the Software Product. LeCroy
shall have no obligation to revise or update the Software Product or to support any version of the Software
Product. At LeCroy’s sole discretion, upon your request, LeCroy may provide you with support services related to
the Software Product (“Support Services”) pursuant to the LeCroy policies and programs described in the
Documentation or otherwise then in effect, and such Support Services will be subject to LeCroy’s then-current
fees therefor, if any.