Customdso plugin mode, Creating a customdso plugin – Teledyne LeCroy WaveRunner XI SERIES Operator’s Manual User Manual

Page 219

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CustomDSO PlugIn Mode

This is the mode in which CustomDSO really shows its power. You can insert any ActiveX control or graph.

Resize the control. A. In the Properties window set Width 11940. B. In the Properties window set Height 2475.

Place two buttons on the control. A. Double click on the command button at left of screen (left arrow below). B.
Move and resize the resulting button as required, using the handles (right arrow below). C. Repeat for the second
button. D. In the Properties window set the Name properties to

SingleButton and AutoButton, respectively. E.

Set the button Caption properties to

Single and Auto, respectively

Creating a CustomDSO PlugIn

Follow these steps to create an example Visual Basic PlugIn:

Start a new VB project. Select

ActiveX Control from the New tab.

Create code for the buttons. A. Double click on the

Single button. B. In the resulting code window, insert code to


app.Acquistion.TriggerMode = “Stopped”


ful step, because you can test your

rument.) A. Start the instrument. B. Click the

Run button In Visual Basic.

C. Click the

Stop button in Visual Basi


ou have finished.

ject in Visual Bas

A. Click the

top button in Visual Basic. B. Select Make Project1.ocx from the

make the following subroutine:

Private Sub SingleButton_Click()

Dim app as Object

Set app = CreateObject(“LeCroy.XStream

End Sub

Double click on the

Auto button.

In the resulting code window, insert code to make the following subroutine:

Private Sub AutoButton_Click()

Dim app as Object

Set app = CreateObject(“LeCroy.XStream

app.Acquistion.TriggerMode = “Auto”

End Sub

Test the Component in Internet Explorer. (This is an optional, but very use
work without installing anything in the inst

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Make the Pro



File menu.