Clear-Com CellCom Battery Pack Charger User Manual
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Clear-Com Communication Systems
CellCom V2.0.3 Instruction Manual
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Figure 1-3: Configurations for a Studio and Large-Scale Broadcast Facility
Using an antenna splitter allows up to five antennas to be connected to
one base-station antenna port. A single CellCom basestation supports
up to twenty beltpacks and up to ten antennas, giving a great deal of
flexibility in placing beltpacks where they are needed most, and for
providing wireless reliability. Figure 1-3 illustrates how a CellCom
system can be set up to operate in a single studio or in a large-scale
permanent broadcast facility.
Note: Each antenna is designed to handle five beltpacks
simultaneously in good conditions. However, if interference
or propagation problems occur in an area, to ensure proper
operation and reliability, it may be more practical to install
four beltpacks for each antenna.
For zones which are likely to need coverage for five or more beltpacks
simultaneously it is recommended that a second antenna is installed.
Similarly, for good coverage for nine or more beltpacks simultaneously,
a third antenna may be required.
Note for North American customers: The limited bandwidth of
1.92–1.93 GHz allows one RF cell to accommodate a maximum of five