Atec Agilent-8563E User Manual

Page 54

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ESG Family Signal Generators

Performance Tests

Support Software

Calibration Guide


Figure 4-3

The Select Test Equipment and Tests Window

8. Create a list of performance tests that you want the software to run (

Figure 4-3


a. In the Available Tests list (item 13), select a performance test.

b. Click Add (item 14) to add the test to the list of tests that the software will run.

You can view the Required Test Equipment list (item 15) for a performance test by
clicking on the test title in the Available Tests (item 13) box.

c. Continue adding performance tests to the list by repeating these steps.


You can correct mistakes while you are entering tests in the performance test

• To delete a single entry in the test list, select the unwanted test in the

Selected Tests box (item 16) and then click Remove (item 17).

• To delete the entire list of equipment, click Clear (item 18).

9. When you are done, click OK (item 19).