Atec Corning-Optivisor400 User Manual
Optivisor, 400 optical time domain reflectometer (otdr), Corning cable systems

Optical Time
Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
A LANscape
Solutions Product
• Testing and troubleshooting of LAN, telco, CATV and
FTTx networks
Corning Cable Systems’ OptiVisor 400 Optical Time Domain
Reflectometer (OTDR) provides testing flexibility by offering
a rugged platform with field-interchangeable multimode and
single-mode modules. All OTDR modules can be used as CW
light source and are available with an optional visual fault
locator (VFL) installed. An optional power meter is available
on the OptiVisor 400 OTDR mainframe. The standard unit
provides internal memory for storage of up to 700 traces using
CE technology, eliminating the need
for a hard drive. If extra storage capacity is needed, there is
a 1.44 MB floppy drive on the mainframe along with a
PCMCIA port.
The OptiVisor 400 OTDR product line offers a wide variety
of multimode and single-mode modules including a tri-wave-
length single-mode module perfect for FTTx testing. Modules
can be easily switched out in the field, without the use of
tools, in just a matter of seconds.
The OTDR features a 7.7-inch high-quality color LCD touch
screen that is resistant to most common chemicals used in the
field. The screen is large enough to view both the trace and
the event table, thereby eliminating the need to toggle back
and forth between the two.
With three testing modes, the OptiVisor 400 OTDR offers
something for every installer. Auto Mode allows the user to
select the parameters automatically, making it perfect for basic
OTDR applications or the occasional user. Advanced Mode
offers more setup and measurement capabilities for the experi-
enced OTDR user. Template Trace Mode allows the user to
create a template for comparison with other traces, ideal for
quick testing of multiple fibers.
Features / Benefits
• Rugged, splash-proof mainframe
• Three operating modes: Auto, Advanced, Template Trace
Cable Systems
Product Specifications
OptiVisor 400 OTDR
| LAN637
• 7.7-in color LCD touchscreen
• FTTx ready
• CW light source standard on all OTDR
• OTSView software for report generation
• Modules available with shortest event dead zone
in the industry: 1 meter with 5 ns pulse width
• Fast testing with full averaging in as little as 45
seconds; four times faster than industry standard
• AC and battery operation
• Sample points of up to 128,000 resulting in
better trace resolution
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