Printronix P7000 Cartridge Ribbon Printer User Manual

Page 356

background image


Changing parameter settings, 48

Changing parameters, example, 50

Changing Ribbon Cartridge, 43

Channel, WLAN PARAMS Menu, 114

Char Set Select, 128, 137

Character Set, 167

ANSI Emulation menu, 193

ASCII, 323

Epson FX Emulation, 184

Proprinter XL Emulation, 180

Serial Matrix Emulation, 176

Characteristics, environmental, 318


exterior, 281

interior, 282

Cleaning requirements, 281

CLEAR key, 24

CLEAR PAPER JAM message, 291

Clear to Send (CTS), RS-232, 277


message, 292

Clip Page, 241

Clock Skew, WLAN KERBEROS Menu, 118

CLOSE PLATEN message, 292

Coax Emulation menu, 126

Active Char Set, 128

Buffer Print, 134

Buffer Reprint, 129

Cancel IGP/DCU, 129

Change Case, 130

Char Set Select, 128

Compatibility Op, 131

Early Print Cmpl, 129

Format Control, 133

Host Override, 133

Image Buf Size, 131

Intervention Req, 131

Max. Print Width, 134

PA1, 128

PA2, 129

Prt Partial Line, 128

PTX Transparent, 130

SCS Buffer Cntrl, 129

Set Text Orientn, 131

Translate Table, 133

Translation Tbl, 128

Coax/Twinax (CTHI) Emulation menu, 124

Simple Prot Conv, 125

Standard, 124

Code Page Subset, IPDS Emulation, 228

COIL HOT message, 292

Column 132 Wrap, 153

Compatbl. Mode, 205

Compatibility Mode, IEEE 1284 Parallel Interface,


Compatibility Op, 131

Auto Skip At End, 132, 146

CR at MPP+1, 131, 145

CR, EM, and NL (3287 only), 146

CR, EM, & NL (3287 only), 133

FF After Job, 133, 146

FF Validity, 132, 146

Last Char = FF, 132, 145

NL At MPP+1, 131, 145

Null Suppression, 132, 145

Position Aft FF (4234 only), 132, 145

Compatibility Op, 3270 Params menu, 145

Compliance, Energy Star, 319

Component locations, printer, 21

Compressed CPI, 204

Compressed Print, P-Series XQ Emulation, 173

Config Print, PCL-II Emulation, 233


Main Menu, 47

overview, 47


custom, 48

default, 48

saving, 53

Configuration, Auto Save, 53