Resolution – Printronix P7000 Cartridge Ribbon Printer User Manual
Page 239

Postscript/PDF Interpreter
Ghostscript includes a set of 35 scalable outline fonts in PostScript Type 1
format, compatible in appearance and metrics with the fonts commonly
distributed under the following names:
Bookman (demi, demi italic, light, light italic)
Courier ((plain, oblique, bold, bold oblique)
Avant Garde (book, book oblique, demi, demi oblique)
Helvetica (plain, oblique, bold, bld oblique narrow, narrow oblique, narrow
bold, narrow bold oblique)
Palatino (roman, italic, bold, bold italic)
New Century Schoolbook (roman, italic, bold, bold italic)
Times (roman, italic, bold, bold italic)
Zapf Chancery (medium italic)
Zapf Dingbats
The Ghostscript version used in the P7000 is 8.71.
This parameter defines the default print resolution. This selection is used
when either the print resolution is not defined by the data stream or if the print
resolution defined by the data stream is not supported.
The following resolutions are available on OpenPrint P7000 STD products:
120x144 DPI
90x96 DPI
The following resolutions are available on OpenPrint P7000 HD products:
180x180 DPI
180x90 DPI
90x180 DPI
120x120 DPI
90x90 DPI