Downloading application files via tftp, Uploading/downloading configuration files via tftp – RAD Data comm IPmux-11 User Manual

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Installation and Operation Manual

Appendix B Boot Sequence and Downloading Software

Downloading the Application and Configuration Software


5. Send the software release file to IPmux-11 using the XMODEM utility of you

terminal application.
Once the downloading is completed, IPmux-11 saves the new release as an
active partition, the former active partition turns into backup, and the boot
sequence continues normally.
If a failure occurs during the download, the partially downloaded software is
erased. In this case, only active software is left in the flash memory.

Downloading Application Files via TFTP

To download application file via TFTP:
1. From the Boot Manager menu, select System Configuration.
2. Configure the IP parameters of IPmux-11 (IP address, IP mask and default

gateway). These parameters are valid only for the TFTP file transfer via the
Boot Manager.

3. Start a TFTP application.
4. Configure the communication parameters as follows:

Connection timeout – more than 30 seconds to prevent an automatic
disconnection during the backup partition deletion (about 25 seconds).

Block size – 512 bytes.

UDP port – 69.

5. Select a local software release file to download.
6. Enter the IPmux-11 IP address.
7. Start downloading.

IPmux-11 automatically erases the backup partition (it takes about
25 seconds). Once the downloading is completed, IPmux-11 saves the new
release as an active partition, the former active partition turns into backup.

Uploading/Downloading Configuration Files via TFTP

You can upload IPmux-11 configuration file to the management station for further
distribution to all other units which use the similar configuration.

To upload application file via TFTP:
1. Start a TFTP application.
2. Select the configuration to upload.
3. Enter IP address of FTP server.
4. Type s to start uploading.

When the uploading is completed, you can download the configuration file to

other IPmux-11 units.