Downloading application files via xmodem – RAD Data comm IPmux-11 User Manual

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Appendix B Boot Sequence and Downloading Software

Installation and Operation Manual


Downloading the Application and Configuration Software

IPmux-11 Ver. 2.00

From the Boot Manager menu, you can:
• List all files stored in the flash memory
• Exchange the operating and backup files
• Delete the operating file; the backup file becomes the operating file
• Download a new operating file (via XMODEM or TFTP); the previous

operating file is saved as the backup file

• Delete all software and configuration files
• Display the basic hardware information (RAM, ROM size etc)
• Reset the IPmux-11 board
• Configure the IPmux-11 IP address, IP mask and default gateway for the

consecutive file download via TFTP.

If you choose to exchange or delete a file, you are prompted for confirmation.

B.2 Downloading the Application and Configuration


New application software releases are distributed as separate files, which are
downloaded to IPmux-11 using the XMODEM protocol or TFTP from the Boot
Manager menu. Alternatively, you can download a new software release via TFTP,
when the IPmux-11 management software is already running (Main menu >

> File Utilities > Download/Upload using TFTP).

The TFTP can also be used for uploading configuration files which contain the
IPmux-11 database to the management station. Administrators can use this
capability to distribute verified configuration files to all other units which use the
similar configuration.

Downloading Application Files via XMODEM

Downloading application files using the XMODEM protocol is performed from the
Boot Manager menu.

To download application file via XMODEM:
1. Configure your ASCII terminal or terminal emulation utility running on your PC

to the 115.2 kbps data rate.

2. Access the Boot Manager menu.

The Boot Manager menu appears (see

Figure B-1


3. From the Boot Manager menu, type 4.

IPmux-11 displays the following message:
Select Copy number for download ( 0 )

4. Select the backup partition by typing its number, 0 or 1.

IPmux-11 responds with the following string:
Please start the XMODEM download.