Proxim ORiNOCO AP-700 User Manual
Page 84
Performing Advanced Configuration
AP-700 User Guide
2. Click Edit and configure the following parameters in each table:
Figure 4-31 Edit EDCA Tables
Index: read-only. Indicates the index of the Access Category (1-4) being defined.
CWMin: minimum Contention Window. Configurable range is 0 to 255.
CWMax: maximum Contention Window. Configurable range is 0 to 65535.
AIFSN: Arbitration IFS per access category. Configurable range is 2 to 15.
Tx OP Limit: The Transmission Opportunity Limit. The Tx OP is an interval of time during which a particular QoS enhanced client has the
right to initiate a frame exchange sequence onto the wireless medium. The Tx OP Limit defines the upper limit placed on the value of Tx
OP a wireless entity can obtain for a particular access category. Configurable range is 0 to 65535.
MSDU Lifetime: specifies the maximum elapsed time between a MSDU transfer request and delivery to the destination, beyond which
delivery becomes unnecessary. Configurable range is 0 to 500 seconds.
Admission Control Mandatory: Possible values are True or False. Admission control defines if an Access Point accepts or rejects a
requested traffic stream with certain QoS specifications, based on available channel capacity and link conditions. Admission control can
be configured for each Access Category (Index).
On the Policy sub-tab, the user can also configure a medium maximum threshold for all Admission Controls. Admission will be granted if
the new requested traffic stream and already admitted time is less than the medium maximum threshold.
Changes to EDCA parameters require a reboot of the AP to take effect.