Verify the printer connection – IBM INFOPRINT 6500 User Manual
Page 271
Configuration Procedure
For printing on TCP/IP-attached printers, IBM recommends that
you specify a shorter interval than the default, such as 10 minutes,
for the interval between keep-alive transmissions.
Also, if any target host requires that the keep-alive packet contain
data, specify SENDGARBAGE TRUE. For example:
The Packet Size parameter of the GATEWAY statement defines
the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the z/OS host. For IBM
10/100Base-T Ethernet Interface printers, the MTU size is fixed at
1024 bytes. The value cannot be adjusted.
Verify the Printer Connection
To verify that the z/OS system can establish a connection with the
TCP/IP-attached printer, “ping” the printer from the MVS system.
From a TSO session, enter the following command:
TSO PING ip_address
In JES2, enter the following command from the System Display and
Search Facility (SDSF) menu 6:
ping ip_address
ip_address specifies the IP address of the Ethernet.
Here is an example of a successful “ping” command:
EZA0458I Ping V3R1: Pinging host
(Use ATTN to interrupt.)
EZA0463I PING: Ping #1 response took 0.084 seconds.
Successes so far = 1.
Here is an example of an unsuccessful “ping” command:
EZA0458I Ping V3R1: Pinging host
(Use ATTN to interrupt.)
EZA0464I PING: Ping #1 timed out
NOTE: If you have problems “ping”-ing a printer, refer to “Handling