1 modems, 2 redundancy – Mocomtech CDM-QX User Manual
Page 71

CDM-Qx/QxL Multi-Channel Satellite Modem with DoubleTalk™ Carrier-in-Carrier®
Revision 7
Front Panel Operation
A plug-in device that includes an ‘F’ suffix indicates the presence of an unmasked failure:
TX TXF | (right-hand display area)
In this example, the upper right transmitter has a fault, the details of which may be viewed using
such menus as Monitor or Alarms. Modems
A modulator in a top slot can be grouped with a demodulator in the slot directly below it to form
a modem:
RX | (right-hand display area)
This example indicates a configuration in the right hand slots (when viewed from the back of the
chassis) grouped together to form a modem. Selecting the slots is the same as with a basic
configuration except that the blank selection slot (below the ‘MD’) is not selectable. When the
modem is selected, the menus display modulator and demodulator functions, and the software
selects the appropriate plug-in for the command.
Two modems can share a modem:
MD MD | (right-hand display area)
| (right-hand display area)
The selected modem is the modulator demodulator pair on the right side of the chassis (when
viewed from the back). When modem is in CnC mode, the brackets (< >) turn into bold characters. Redundancy
Modulators and Demodulator modules can be upgraded to operate as redundant units. When
enabled, the module can back up any same-type module installed in one of the chassis’ three
remaining slots. If a modulator and demodulator have redundancy enabled and they are grouped
as a modem, the pair can back up the second modem.
Note: The interface selected for the modules does not have to match the interface type used on
the prime modules.
Three redundancy modes are possible with a modem. Backup devices are notated with a ‘B’
suffix. In a non-modem configuration, the backup device must be installed in Slot #4. If a backup
device has failed, the ‘B’ and ‘F’ suffixes will alternately display.
1:1 redundant modems look similar to the two-modem example. The modems have independent
monitor functions, but configuring the prime modem will also configure the backup modem.
In this example, the backup modem is selected:
| (right-hand display area)
1:2 and 1:3 modulators or demodulators look similar to the basic display.
A backup modulator or demodulator will back up all compatible modulators or demodulators in
the chassis designated as primes.
The Online LED, together with the selection bracket (< >), indicate which device is online.