Inter-Tel Axxess User Manual

Page 141

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System Features




Administrator Feature Codes

Diagnostic - Dump Node Information


The user can easily dump node information to Message
Print using a single feature code. Pressing the Dump Node
Information feature code dumps specified node information
to Message Print for diagnostic purpose. When the system
prompts for a node number, enter the desired node number
or zero (0) for all nodes within a network. If the node does
not exist, an error message saying INVALID NODE NUM-
BER appears and prompt the user for a node number

After entering a node number, the system displays a confir-
mation message on the phone display. This helps for the
user to analyze which nodes are up and which nodes are
down (the word ‘down’ does not mean that the node is
completely down, it simply means the node is unreach-
able). For Example:

If all nodes are up, the display shows ALL NODES ARE
UP X. The ‘X’ represents the total number of the nodes.

If node 3 and 5 of a 5-node network are down, the display
shows # NODES DOWN 2 3 5.

Diagnostic - Heap Statistics


This feature code outputs miscellaneous heap information
to Message Print as well as putting up a message on the
phone that indicates the percentage of available dynamic
heap memory. This feature code is useful in determining if
the system is losing heap memory and how quickly the
system may be losing it.

Diagnostic - ISDN View


This feature code is toggles through the three different ISDN
view output modes.

Entering the feature code the first time puts the ISDN view
feature into headers only mode. In this mode the system
outputs all ISDN messages to message print in header for-
mat (i.e. it does not contain any ISDN information ele-

Entering the feature code the second time puts the ISDN
view feature into full mode. In this mode the system out-
puts all ISDN message to message print in full format (i.e.
each ISDN information element).

Entering the feature code one more time turns this feature

Diagnostic - Major Reset


This is used by Inter-Tel software developers and cannot
be used in Beta or Production software.

Diagnostic - Mark As Leaks


This is used by Inter-Tel software developers and cannot
be used in Beta or Production software.

Diagnostic - Mark As Quiescent


This is used by Inter-Tel software developers and cannot
be used in Beta or Production software.

Diagnostic - Minor Reset


This is used by Inter-Tel software developers and cannot
be used in Beta or Production software.