Category 9 – navigation inputs select, Glideslope validity, Localizer validity – Honeywell MK VI User Manual
Page 94: Ils tuned discrete input #1 (+28v) and #2 (gnd)

MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
Proprietary notice on title page applies
CAGE CODE: 97896
DWG NO: 060-4314-150
3.11 Category 9 – Navigation Inputs Select
Category 9 selects the Glideslope and Localizer Deviation interfaces and Glideslope Validity and ILS Tuned
Appendix E Table 5.3.9 defines the Category 9 Navigation Inputs Select options (called Navigation Inputs Select
Types) and identifies the first MK VI/VIII EGPWS version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity
Appendix E Tables 5.3.9-x, where x is the Navigation Inputs Select Type number, define the format and
electrical interfaces required to support each Navigation Input Select Type.
3.11.1 Navigation Inputs Select (Glideslope & Localizer Inputs)
Glideslope Deviation is basic (required) and is available in analog and digital formats. Localizer Deviation is an
enhancement (not required).
Note: Numerous (but not all) Envelope Modulation cases require a localizer input. Therefore a NAV ID
that supplies both Glideslope and Localizer should be selected in this category if possible.
However, due to hardware limitations, use of localizer for installations that can only provide low
level validity is not supported. In these cases only ID #1 can be selected. Envelope Modulation
will still function for these glideslope only installations, but not for those envelope modulation
areas that require a localizer crosscheck.
3.11.2 Glideslope Validity
Glideslope Validity (+28V Super Flag) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 0 or 5 at pin J1-11.
Glideslope Validity (Low Level) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 1 at pins J1-30 (+) and J1-10 (-).
Digital 429 Glideslope interfaces do not require Glideslope Validity input.
3.11.3 Localizer V alidity
Localizer Validity (+28V Super Flag) is required for Navigation Inputs Select 5 at pin J1-48.
Digital 429 Localizer interfaces do not require Localizer Validity input.
3.11.4 ILS Tuned D iscrete Input #1 (+28V) and #2 (GND)
The ILS Tuned Discretes (+28V and GND) indicate that an Instrument Landing System frequency has been
selected on the Captain’s (or selected) ILS (only one is required). These discretes are used with the analog
Glideslope inputs. When an ILS is tuned, the MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS checks the Glideslope Validity discretes
and monitors the Glideslope inputs.