28v ils tuned discrete #1, Glideslope validity discrete #1, Gnd glideslope inhibit discrete – Honeywell MK VI User Manual

Page 299: 28 v glideslope inhibit discrete, Glideslope cancel discrete

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MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide

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CAGE CODE: 97896



DWG NO: 060-4314-150




6.6.9 +28V ILS Tuned Discrete #1

Type: Supplied by ILS/VOR Mode Selector.

Signal Status:

ILS tuned or VOR tuned

Level 6 Audio readout

+28 V ILS Tuned Discrete #1

ILS Tuned =>

ILS Not Tuned =>

“28 Volts ILS 1 Tuned”
“28 Volts ILS 1 Not Tuned”

6.6.10 Glideslope Validity Discrete #1

A Glideslope Validity Discrete may be used by EGPWS, for the ARINC 547 Glideslope Receiver input.

Type: Validity from ARINC 547 Glideslope receiver.

Signal Status:

Valid or Invalid

Note: Analog Glideslope monitoring requires that this input discrete (or the Analog Low Level Glideslope Validity

Discrete) is always true whenever ILS is not tuned . In other words that the flag is biased out of view.

Level 6 Audio readout

Glideslope Validity Discrete #1

Valid =>

Invalid =>

“Glideslope 1 Valid”
“Glideslope 1 Invalid”

6.6.11 GND Glideslope Inhibit Discrete

Type: Switch for inhibit of Glideslope mode

Signal Status:

Glideslope Inhibit or Not Inhibit

Mode 5 will be disabled and “Glideslope” will not be enunciated during cockpit Self Test and the long vocabulary test if

Level 6 Audio readout

Glideslope Inhibit Discrete

Inhibit =>

Not Inhibit =>

“Glideslope Inhibit True”
“Glideslope Inhibit False”

6.6.12 +28 V Glideslope Inhibit Discrete

Type: Supplied by an alternate action latching cockpit switch for inhibit of Glideslope mode.

Signal Status:

Glideslope Inhibit or Not Inhibit

Mode 5 will be inhibited and “Glideslope” will not be enunciated during cockpit Self Test and the long vocabulary test if

Level 6 Audio readout

+28V Glideslope Inhibit Discrete

Inhibit =>

Not Inhibit =>

“28 Volts Glideslope Inhibit True”
“28 Volts Glideslope Inhibit False”

6.6.13 Glideslope Cancel Discrete

Type: Supplied by a momentary actuated cockpit Glideslope mode manual inhibit switch.

Signal Status:

Glideslope is canceled if Glideslope function is active

Fault monitoring: Activation of this input for more than 15 seconds will result in the ‘Glideslope Cancel Invalid’ fault

which will cause a GPW INOP indication. Typically the Glideslope cancel can only be selected below
2000 feet AGL.

Level 6 Audio readout

Glideslope Cancel Discrete

Cancel =>

Normal =>

“Glideslope Canceled”
“Glideslope Enabled”

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