Unbinding disk modules, Creating a video file system, Expanding storage – Grass Valley PVS Series System Guide v.4.0 Dec 10 200 User Manual
Page 70: File system volume name, Using hot spare disks
Chapter 3
Working with Profile XP storage systems
Profile XP System Guide
July 27, 2001
Unbinding disk modules
Unbinding reverses the bind process, changing a LUN into an unbound LUN.
Unbinding is required only when changing LUN types, for example, reconfiguring a
hot spare LUN as a data LUN.
NOTE: Unbinding destroys all user media files stored on the disk modules.
Creating a video file system
The PFC 500 storage system must contain a video file system recognizable by the
Profile XP Media Platform system. When you choose to make a new video file
system, the Disk Utility creates one video file system using all available data LUNs.
All hot spare LUNs and Unbound LUNs are ignored.
NOTE: Creating a video file system destroys the existing file system and all user
media files stored on the disk modules.
Expanding Storage
You can expand storage by installing additional disk modules in empty disk slots or
by connecting additional PFC500 or PFC500E chassis. To use the additional storage,
you must bind the new disk modules and create a new video file system.
The disk modules you use in a LUN must all have the same capacity to fully use the
modules’ disk space. The same applies to LUNs. Make sure all LUNs have the same
capacity to fully use the LUN’s disk space.
File system volume name
The video file system volume name is the logical name used when accessing the
storage system. All local and remote Profile XP applications use the volume name
when referencing the video file system.
You can change the video file system volume name at any time without affecting the
media files stored on the system. Changing the volume name may be required with
some third party Profile XP control software which requires a specific volume name.
Using Hot Spare disks
You can bind an unbound LUN as a hot spare LUN. Drives in a hot spare LUN are
available for automatic failover in the event a disk module fails in a data LUN. When
the failed disk module is replaced, the RAID controller copies the hot spare drive data
to the replacement drive, then returns the hot spare drive back to hot spare status.
If the drives you want to designate as hot spares are bound as part of a data LUN, you
must unbind the drives first, then bind them as hot spares. A hot spare LUN can
contain 1 to 5 disk modules. Hot spare drives are available only to the RAID
Controller in the PFC500 controlling them.