Grass Valley Concerto Routing Matrix v.1.8.1 User Manual
Page 182

Concerto — Installation and Service Manual
Tally Level, Default
Set during Configuration, this level is the de-
fault Level that will tally in panel displays if
no other Level tally is activated by control
panel operation.
Tally Modules
Circuit modules, housed in Grass Valley
MAX Series frames, which use opto-isolated
inputs and relay closure outputs to facilitate
visual or aural tally indicators within a facil-
ity. For example, when a Source machine is
selected on a Destination, the returned tally
could light a lamp to let the machine opera-
tor know that a machine was in use.
Terminal Computer Interface.
Terminate, Termination
To complete a circuit by connecting a resis-
tive load to it. A video termination is typical-
ly a male BNC connector which contains a
75-ohm resistive load.
A physical connection used to give a Desti-
nation connected to the output of one matrix
access to Source equipment connected to the
input of another matrix. A signal which pass-
es through 2 or more matrices; more specifi-
cally the path (consisting of 1 or more Tie
Wires) which links a Destination of one ma-
trix to a Source of another matrix. Tielines are
established during system configuration.
TieLine Type
Is the Level created to be assigned to one end
of a TieLine. Each TieLine must have two
TieLine Types, one for each end.
Tie Wire
A physical cable which links the output of
one matrix to the input of another matrix.
One or more tie wires comprise a tie line.
Time Code
Timing code laid down on video tape to give
each frame a unique number to ensure exact
transitions during editing.
Timing Scatter
The temporal range of the different electrical
lengths of Routing switcher paths.
Tally Level.
Tally Module.
To switch back and forth between two set-
Twisted Pair
A cable composed of two small insulated
conductors twisted together without a com-
mon covering.
Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmit-
Under Monitor Display.
Vertical Interval.
Virtual Matrix
Virtual Matrices can be used to fragment a
Physical Matrix when a matrix such as Con-
certo is controlled by the SMS Series 7000
Control System. Inputs and Outputs within a
Virtual Matrix need not be contiguous. Only
Destinations with Outputs in a given Virtual
Matrix will be able to directly, without using
a TieLine, access the Sources within that Vir-
tual Matrix. As an example of their function-
ality, Virtual Matrices, working with control
Levels, allow you set up selected Inputs and