Grass Valley Concerto Routing Matrix v.1.8.1 User Manual
Page 180

Concerto — Installation and Service Manual
An equipment rack. A standard EIA equip-
ment rack is 19 inches (48.26 am) wide.
Rack Unit (RU)
Unit of measure of vertical space in an equip-
ment rack. One rack unit is equal to 1.75 inch-
es (445 mm). The height of a GVG electronics
frame is typically specified in rack units.
Random access memory.
Remote Access Service.
Rear Connector Channel
Backplane (Rear connector channel, Mother-
Reboot (Reset)
To restart a computer, reloading the soft-
Redundant Power Supply
Backup power supply which takes over im-
mediately if the primary power supply fails.
Remote is used during configuration to iden-
tify remote Sources and Destinations. Re-
mote Sources and Destinations are inputs
and outputs not physically connected to the
System using the related configuration file.
These remote Sources and Destinations are
controlled over a network.
Tieline status where a reservation is required
to use a specified Tieline. See
See reboot.
Resource Group
A resource group is an association of ma-
chine control devices all within a single work
RGB (Red, Green & Blue)
The three primary colors used in video pro-
cessing, often referring to the three un-en-
coded outputs of a color camera. See
Read Only Memory.
A group of Destinations (usually a physical
studio or control room within a facility) to
which machine control and tally assign-
ments can be made by an automated facility
control system or the GUI Assignments
menu. An assignment made to one Destina-
tion in a room allows control by any of the
Destinations in that room.
RS-232 or RS-232C
A serial data communications standard. RS-
232C is a low-speed serial interface which
uses a single-ended (unbalanced) intercon-
nection scheme. Commonly used in telecom-
munications to connect computers and
terminals to modems and other devices. The
C suffix refers to the version of the RS-232
A high-speed serial interface connection be-
tween data communications equipment. RS-
485 specifies the characteristics of a balanced
(differential) multipoint transceiver/receiver
Rack Unit. See