Grass Valley Concerto Routing Matrix v.1.8.1 User Manual
Page 179

Concerto — Installation and Service Manual
Ability to pass multiple signal types, such as
serial digital, analog component, and analog
Sources, Destinations, Levels, Salvos, Con-
trol Panels, Controllers, Mezzanine Boards,
Tally Modules, and other components all
have names. When system software sets out
to perform a function, a Take for instance, it
looks for the source name, determines the in-
puts involved, and Takes the Source to the
Destination specified (by name). Names are
important to operation and equally so to con-
NB (Narrow Band)
Identifies the AES Audio Matrices.
Standard for scanning television signals.
Used in the U.S., Canada, and Japan.
Operator User Interface. Refers to the Con-
figuration Editor software program used to
configure the Encore System.
A single physical, numerically designated
connection point of an out-going signal from
a matrix. One or more outputs can be as-
signed to a Destination name during System
Standard for scanning television signals.
Used in most European countries.
Panel Prefixes
A set of 1-to-8 printable ASCII character
strings assigned to the 16-button or 24-but-
ton keypads on control panels. Used with
suffixes to comprise a complete Source or
Destination name. (Prefixes and 1-character
suffixes are assigned to panel Keypad sets.)
Panel Suffix Set
A set of single printable ASCII characters
usually the numbers 0-9 assigned to 10 but-
tons of a control panel 16-button or 24-button
keypad. Pre-configured defaults exist for
suffix sets.
Panel Template
Configuration data specifying control panel
configuration; which includes items such as
Tally Level, Destination, button assignments,
and Flags restricting or allowing certain ac-
tions. Completed templates are downloaded
to specific control panels.
Programmable Logic Device.
A connector, usually bidirectional, through
which one device communicates with others.
Selecting a Source in preparation to taking it
to air; a tentative change to one or more cros-
spoints which has not yet been executed.
Protect (PROT)
A control function which prevents control
panels or devices from changing the current
Source selection for the specified Destina-
Protect Override.
Power. This is commonly found on the mod-
ules to identify the green power LED.