Configuring pbr, Configuring local pbr, Configuring interface pbr – H3C Technologies H3C S12500-X Series Switches User Manual
Page 393
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] ipv6 address 10::1 32
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] quit
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 200
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface200] ipv6 address 11::1 32
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface200] quit
# Enable RIPng on VLAN-interface 100.
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] ripng 1 enable
[SwitchA-Vlan-interface100] quit
# Configure three static routes with next hop 11::2, and make sure that the static routes are active.
[SwitchA] ipv6 route-static 20:: 32 11::2
[SwitchA] ipv6 route-static 30:: 32 11::2
[SwitchA] ipv6 route-static 40:: 32 11::2
# Configure a routing policy.
[SwitchA] ipv6 prefix-list a index 10 permit 30:: 32
[SwitchA] route-policy static2ripng deny node 0
[SwitchA-route-policy-static2ripng-0] if-match ipv6 address prefix-list a
[SwitchA-route-policy-static2ripng-0] quit
[SwitchA] route-policy static2ripng permit node 10
[SwitchA-route-policy-static2ripng-10] quit
# Enable RIPng and apply the routing policy to static route redistribution.
[SwitchA] ripng
[SwitchA-ripng-1] import-route static route-policy static2ripng
Configure Switch B:
# Configure the IPv6 address for VLAN-interface 100.
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] ipv6 address 10::2 32
# Enable RIPng.
[SwitchB] ripng
[SwitchB-ripng-1] quit
# Enable RIPng on VLAN-interface 100.
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] ripng 1 enable
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] quit
Verifying the configuration
# Display the RIPng routing table on Switch B.
[SwitchB] display ripng 1 route
Route Flags: A - Aging, S - Suppressed, G - Garbage-collect
Peer FE80::7D58:0:CA03:1 on Vlan-interface 100
Destination 10::/32,
via FE80::7D58:0:CA03:1, cost 1, tag 0, A, 18 secs
Destination 20::/32,