H3C Technologies H3C S12500-X Series Switches User Manual
Page 257
Task Command
Reset IPv4 unicast BGP sessions.
reset bgp { as-number | ip-address | all | external | group
group-name | internal } ipv4 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
Clear dampened BGP IPv4 unicast routing
information and release suppressed
reset bgp dampening ipv4 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ network-address [ mask | mask-length ] ]
Clear BGP IPv4 unicast route flap
reset bgp flap-info ipv4 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ network-address [ mask | mask-length ] |
as-path-acl as-path-acl-number | peer peer-address ]
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view (IPv6).
Task Command
Display BGP IPv6 unicast peer group
display bgp group ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ group-name ]
Display BGP IPv6 unicast peer or peer
group information.
display bgp peer ipv6 [ unicast ] [ group-name log-info |
ipv6-address { log-info | verbose } | verbose ]
display bgp peer ipv6 [ unicast ] vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
[ group-name log-info | ipv6-address { log-info | verbose } |
verbose ]
Display BGP IPv6 unicast routing
display bgp routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ network-address prefix-length
[ advertise-info ] ]
Display BGP IPv6 unicast routing
information sent to/received from the
specified BGP peer.
display bgp routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] peer ipv6-address
{ advertised-routes | received-routes } [ network-address
prefix-length | statistics ]
display bgp routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name peer ipv6-address { advertised-routes |
received-routes } [ network-address prefix-length | statistics ]
Display BGP IPv6 unicast routing statistics.
display bgp routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] statistics
Display BGP IPv6 unicast routing
information matching the specified AS
path list.
display bgp routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] as-path-acl as-path-acl-number
Display BGP IPv6 unicast routing
information matching the specified BGP
community list.
display bgp routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] community-list
{ { basic-community-list-number | comm-list-name }
[ whole-match ] | adv-community-list-number }
Display dampened BGP IPv6 unicast
routing information.
display bgp routing-table dampened ipv6 [ unicast ]
[ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ]
Display BGP dampening parameter
display bgp dampening parameter ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ]
Display BGP IPv6 unicast routing flap
display bgp routing-table flap-info ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance
vpn-instance-name ] [ network-address prefix-length | as-path-acl
as-path-acl-number ]