Edit operations (region/event select), Edit operations (pencil tool), Edit operations (curve tool) – Teac SX-1 Reference Manual User Manual
Page 90: Part iv–mixer controls

Part IV–Mixer Controls
Reference Manual
Edit Operations (Region/Event select)
When nothing is selected
Add Library Entry Recall
This operation brings up
the parameters you edit in order to recall a library
entry as an automation event. You can define:
Library Type
: from which library (EQ or Dynamics)
an individual preset is recalled
: use this to choose an effect to recall when
automating the library recall of an internal effects
Load entry
: The drop-down menu allows the library
entry to be selected
Transition time
: The time taken for the current settings
to “morph” into the recalled library setting
: Exit without making changes
: Confirm settings and return
Render Library Recalls
This allows the parameter
changes which will be performed when a library
entry is recalled to be split into a series of automation
events. This can be useful when a mix started out
containing library recalls, that later requires dynamic
A region is selected
In addition to the
Render Library
events described above, the following
additional edit commands are available when a
region or an event has been selected:
Move automation data or the region itself.
Apply To
: Use this to choose whether to move only
the beginning of an event or region, only the end,
or both the beginning and the end.
Move events
: Choose to move the event or region ear-
lier or later in time.
Use this function to smooth out the move-
ments of controls and/or to create average values of
detailed control movements. You may want to use
this when sharp control movements are too audible.
Events selected
These are available when events
are selected:
Event Editor
Edit events:
Start Time
: Enter a new start time for the selected
: Enter a new value for the selected event
Initial Value
: Allows the initial status of an event to be
edited offline.
If a fader's (or other continuous controller's) Initial
Value is modified in this way, an Initial Event Ramp
Time will not be applied. Unlike an Init Edit, controls
that have had their Initial Value modified in this way
can have that modification reversed by the Undo
Allows you to nudge, by fine or gross
amounts, the automation data of your selected
Edit Operations (Pencil Tool)
With the pencil tool selected, it is possible to draw
freehand control automation data.
Use the
Event Density
parameter to determine the
smoothness of the data that you draw in single frame
increments from 1 through 30.
Edit Operations (Curve Tool)
Curve Type
curve type is very useful for
emulating break-point style offline volume automa-
tion, while the
types may be used for the production of more natu-
ral-sounding fade effects.
Curve Steepness
Used in conjunction with the
Curve Type
parameter above; this parameter offers sub-
tle variations when creating an offline fade.
Curve Randomize
A special effect that can be
useful for introducing random control fluctuations
into a track that is lacking performance dynamics, in
a similar way to using randomized quantization in a
MIDI performance.