Part iv–mixer controls – Teac SX-1 Reference Manual User Manual

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Part IV–Mixer Controls



Reference Manual


If you navigate to the

Insert Preset

tab on the VGA


screen, you’ll see this:

The three fields for each insert show

Insert Send




, and

Insert Receive

. The

Insert Send

field determines

where the Insert gets its input from, as the



determines where it sends its output. These

fields DO NOT determine which channel the insert is
applied to (that happens on the Mixer or Channel
pages), they only set the I/O for the Insert itself.
Here are two examples that will help to explain the
behavior of the Inserts:

External Effects Insert

With an external com-

pressor handy, plug a cable from the Aux 1 output on
the top of the SX1 to the input of your compressor,
and plug the output of the compressor to Input 1 on
the SX1’s top panel. In the

Insert Send

field, select

Analog Aux Out 1

, and in the

Insert Receive

field select

Analog Input 1

. If this Insert were inserted on Mixer

Channel 1, the result would be the following: signal
from channel 1 would be sent out the Insert (via the

Aux 1 jack) to the input of the compressor. Output
from the compressor would be returned to Analog
Input 1, and thus back to Mixer channel 1 via the
Insert Receive.

Internal Effects Insert

With the TASCAM

Delay plug-in loaded into Quadrant 1, choose Effects
Input 1-1 as the

Insert Send

. Choose Effects Output 1-1

as the

Insert Receive

. The

Insert Send

field will now dis-


TASCAM Delay Left

, and the

Insert Receive

field will


TASCAM Delay Left

as well. This means that if

Insert 1 was inserted on Mixer channel 1, the follow-
ing would happen: signal from Channel 1 would be
sent out to the TASCAM Delay input. Signal would
pass through the delay and be sent to the output of
the Delay, and then it would be returned to Mixer
Channel 1 via Insert 1’s return.