Set min/max velocity, Set velocity, Smooth events – Teac SX-1 Reference Manual User Manual

Page 162: Split notes, Step record, Transpose, Trim duration, Trim velocity, Part vii–midi sequencing

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Part VII–MIDI Sequencing



Reference Manual

Set Min/Max Velocity

This operation lets you set floor and ceiling values
for MIDI note velocities.

Minimum Velocity

This slider determines the

smallest (most quiet) value for the selection’s note

Maximum Velocity

This slider determines the

largest (loudest) value for the selection’s note

Apply To

This field allows the selection of

Note On


Note Off

, or


as possible targets for the operation.

Set Velocity

This operation sets the velocity of all selected notes
to a single value.


This slider sets the velocity value (from 0-


Apply To

This field defines whether the operation

will affect the note’s




, or



Smooth Events

Use this operation to even out a performance. It is
especially useful for smoothing MIDI controller data,
as it averages values to produce smooth curves.

Smoothing Factor

This field determines the

amount of smoothing applied to the event selection.

Split Notes

This operation lets you transfer selected notes from
one track to several new tracks. Each note of the
selection is placed on its own discrete track.


This function is especially useful when you wish to split
up a drum kit that currently exists on one MIDI track.
After running the Split Notes edit operation, you will

have a separate track for every instrument in your drum
kit. This means you can solo the kick and snare alone,
for instance.

Delete Source Track

Check this box to delete

the original track after splitting out selected notes.
Leave this box unchecked and the original track will
remain untouched.

Step Record

Choosing this operation opens the Step Record dia-
log for the selected track. When Step Record is
active, notes can be entered one at a time from a
MIDI controller connected to the SX-1’s


jack. Step Record’s many parameters and basic oper-
ations are explained in “Step Record Mode” on
page 146.


This is a destructive transpose operaiton—it writes
the transposed data directly to the MIDI

performance. For a more detailed discussion of these
parameters, see “Transpose” on page 144.

Trim Duration

This operation lets you modify the duration of
selected notes by a set amount.

Trim Amount

This field sets the amount of length

to be added (or trimmed).

Trim Velocity

This operation lets you modify the velocity of
selected notes by a set amount.

Trim Amount

This slider determines the amount

of change. Velocity values can be added to or sub-
tracted from the original notes’ velocities.