Step record mode, Step parameters, Part vii–midi sequencing – Teac SX-1 Reference Manual User Manual
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Part VII–MIDI Sequencing
Reference Manual
Step Record Mode
Step Record allows you to enter MIDI notes one at a
time. The MIDI parameters for each note can be
determined before entry, including velocity, duration,
and offset. Then, with the SX-1’s sequencer in Step
Record, each MIDI note received is dropped at the
playhead’s position.
The sequencer can also be set to automatically
advance to the next beat in preparation for the next
note. The following definitions cover the Step
Record mode’s parameters and operations.
Step Parameters
The Step Record mode operation is accessed from
Edit Operation
menu in the
Piano Roll
tab (of the
screen), the
soft knob in
the LCD
screen, and the front panel’s
key in the
The parameters listed below become available when
Step Record Mode is enabled:
Step Length
This determines the time value of the
note (or notes) to be entered. Values are given in
standard rhythm notation form and range from whole
notes, to fractional (like 8th and 16th notes (quavers
and semiquavers)), triplets, and dotted values.
Offset Ticks
With a value of zero selected,
stepped notes will always fall exactly on the beat (as
determined by the note’s Step Length). Set the slider
to a number greater than one, and the stepped note
will fall after the beat (from 1 to 3840 ticks).
Offset Rand %
This parameter randomizes the
Offset Ticks parameter. The greater the value, the
more random the Offset Ticks effect (as determined
by the
Offset Ticks
slider) is.
Duty Factor %
This setting modifies the Duration
setting. At a setting of 100%, a note entered with a
duration setting of a quarter note is written to the
track as a quarter note. However, at a setting of 85%,
the note written to the track would be only 85% as
long as a quarter note. This makes it relatively easy
to enter a staccato performance, or, with percentages
larger than 100%, a legato performance where notes
blend into each other. Note that, even though the
duration of the new MIDI events are modified with
this setting, the duration of the Steps is always a con-
stant note value.
DF Random %
This parameter randomizes the
Duty Factor % parameter. The greater the value, the
more random the Duty Factor effect (as determined
by the
Duty Factor
slider) is.
Extend Ticks
This setting is somewhat like
, in that it modifies the
value. However,
instead of adding or subtracting a percentage of the
new note duration to the new events,
Extend Ticks
or subtracts a constant number of ticks to/from the
duration of the new events, depending on the setting
of this field.
Extend Rand %
This parameter randomizes the
Extend Ticks parameter. The greater the value, the
more random the Extend Ticks effect (as determined
by the
Extend Ticks
slider) is.
Record Velocities
Check this box to record the
velocity values of your stepped notes as they are
Base Velocity
Sets the velocity floor for step
recorded notes. For example, with a value of 100, all
notes generated have a minimum velocity of 100.