Chapter 17 – editing audio, Edit controls, Edit – Teac SX-1 Reference Manual User Manual

Page 127: Part vi–audio tracks

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Part VI–Audio tracks


Reference Manual


Chapter 17 – Editing Audio

Edit Controls

Besides the editing controls found in the VGA and
LCD screens, there are also front panel editing keys
you can use with a parallel editing menu on the VGA
menu bar, if you need it. Once you have selected a
region or event using the on-screen or surface con-

trols, the front panel editing keys give you quick
access to basic editing operations.
Select an event and press one of these keys to per-
form the editing operation.




key opens the


screen (pictured below)

on the LCD. This screen allows you to, among other
things, define your edit region and adjust grid and
nudge settings.


These registers let you change the

start, end, length, and sync point of your edit region.


These parameters are for setting

your grid size and time value (such as samples or
beats). From here you can also turn the grid on or off.
The grid is explained further in “Nudge & Grid Set-
tings” on page 18


These parameters determine

how the nudge value operates. The nudge time for-
mat and amount can also be set in the Main Menu
Bar of the VGA. However, the

Nudge Mode


is unique to this LCD screen. Possible settings for
this parameter are as follows:

Slide Event

This setting determines that a Nudge

command will Slide the event forward or backward
in time by the Nudge amount, depending on whether
a Nudge Left or Nudge Right command is chosen.

Event Begin

This setting determines that a Nudge

command will modify the event’s In point by the
Nudge amount, without changing the Out value.

Event End

This setting determines that a Nudge

command will modify the event’s Out point by the
Nudge amount, without changing the In Point’s

Event File Offset

This is an advanced setting for

users who are used to editing samples on hardware
samplers. This setting determines that a Nudge com-
mand will move the point where the event begins
playing/becomes audible, without changing the posi-
tion in time of the event itself.

Slide Region

This setting determines that a Nudge

command will move the edit selection points
together (without moving the underlying event) by
the Nudge amount. This is useful when a region is
selected, but you would like to move the selected
area, not the audio, MIDI, or automation data it is

Region Begin

This setting determines that a Nudge

command will move the beginning point of a region
selected for editing, without affecting the end point.

Region End

This setting works the opposite of the

previous setting. It determines that a Nudge com-
mand will move the End point of a region selected
for editing without affecting the In point.


Press this soft key to recall the

LCD display’s


. Here you can see all

of your previous recording and editing moves. This
screen is a mirror of the VGA






The SX-1 keeps a log of all events it

classifies as errors (for example, losing clock sync).
Pressing this soft key shows the error log readout
screen. This LCD screen has a parallel window in the