Init edit, Part iv–mixer controls, Tascam sx-1 reference manual – Teac SX-1 Reference Manual User Manual
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Part IV–Mixer Controls
Reference Manual
Init Edit
The Initial Status of a control is its value before the
first dynamic mix move present. Until dynamic mix
moves are written to a control, there is no difference
between the Initial Status of a control and its position
were it set to Static. When dynamic mix moves are
written to a control, and the controller is in Auto, the
controller becomes dynamic. Any change to the mix
data on such a control takes into account both its Ini-
tial Status and any dynamic automation. The illustra-
tion below shows what Initial Status looks like with
respect to dynamic automation data.
Once a control contains dynamic automation data,
any new mix moves written to that control will be
dynamic mix moves as well. If it becomes necessary
to alter a control’s starting point (Initial Status)
before the first dynamic move written, Init Edit is
The Initial Event Ramp Time allows a smooth match
between the new initial value, and the previous
dynamic automation data.
8 sec
1 sec
2 sec
3 sec
4 sec
5 sec
6 sec
7 sec
Initial Status
Dynamic Data