Coding, Turbo product codec (hardware option), Introduction – Comtech EF Data SNM-1001L User Manual

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SNM-1001L Satellite Modem

Revision 1

Forward Error Correction Options





The SNM-1001L can have any of the following configurations:

• Basic SNM-1001L (Sequential or Viterbi Decoder)

• FAST options (Sequential or Viterbi Decoder)

• FAST options with Reed-Solomon hardware (Sequential or Viterbi Decoder)

• Turbo hardware.


Turbo Product Codec (Hardware Option)

7.3.1 Introduction

Comtech EF Data implements the FEC Codec based on TPC. A Turbo Product Code is a

two dimensional array of block codes. Encoding is relatively straightforward, but

decoding is a very complex process requiring multiple iterations of processing for

maximum performance to be achieved.

Unlike the popular method of concatenating a Reed Solomon Codec with a primary FEC

Codec, Turbo Product Coding is an entirely stand-alone method. It does not require the

complex interleaving/de-interleaving of the RS approach, and consequently, decoding

delays are significantly reduced. Furthermore, the traditional concatenated RS schemes

exhibit a very pronounced threshold effect – a small reduction in Eb/No can result in total

loss of demod and decoder synchronization. TPC does not suffer from this problem – the

demod and decoder remain synchronized down to the point where the output error rate

becomes unusable. This is considered to be a particularly advantageous characteristic in a

fading environment. Typically, in QPSK, or 8-PSK TPC modes the demod and decoder
can remain synchronized 2 – 3 dB below the Viterbi/Reed-Solomon or TCM cases



7-1 is a listing of all the available TPC modes and rates.

Table 7-1. Available TPC Modes

Code Rate/Modulation

Data Rate Range

Rate 21/44 BPSK

4.8 kbps to 1193 Mbps

Rate 5/16 BPSK

4.8 kbps to 781.25 kbps

Rate 1/2 QPSK/Offfset QPSK

4.8 kbps to 2386 Mbps

Rate 3/4 QPSK/Offset QPSK

7.2 kbps to 3750 kbps

Rate 3/4 8-PSK

384 kbps to 5.0 Mbps