AMETEK ASD Series User Manual

Page 102

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Programming: Digital Interface Control

Sorensen ASD Series


M551177-01 Rev A



Proportional gain: Kp

Enter/adjust the value for proportional gain.

Integral gain: Ki

Enter/adjust the value for integral gain.

Derivative gain: Kd

Enter/adjust the value for derivative gain.

2nd pole position

Enter/adjust the value for 2nd pole position.

Min/Max fields

Values input into these fields rescale the range of the

Value fields

Shows the respective parameter’s current value.


Click and drag left or right to adjust the value of the
respective parameter.

Automatic Update box When checked new process PID loop parameters will

be sent to the power supply when any


value in this Process Compensation window changes;
when unchecked the process parameters must be
manually sent to the power supply via the buttons


Clicking this button will send the current process
compensation parameters to the power supply.

Load from Unit

Clicking this button will update the process
compensation parameters in this window with values
read from the power supply.

Load from File

Clicking this button will update the process
compensation parameters in this window with values
read from a file on the computer.

Save to File

Clicking this button will save the current process
compensation parameter in this window to a file, a
window will open allowing the user to name and select
where this file is saved.