AMETEK ASD Series User Manual
Page 101

Sorensen ASD Series
Programming: Digital Interface Control
M551177-01 Rev A
process, whether the process is controlled by current or voltage setpoints
and the compensation of the process PID control loop
Click this control to enable the power supply to operate in
Process Control Mode.
Click this switch to toggle the process setpoint source
between Modbus (MB) digital communications and the
analog interface (AI).
I Output [V Output]
Click this arrow to toggle the process control mode
between current control (I Output) and voltage control (V
(Proportional Integral Derivative) Click this box to open
the Process Compensation window and adjust the PID
parameters for the process control loop
Click this box to open the ProcessAIConfig window for
configuring the analog interface setpoint functionality
Process Compensation Window
The Process Compensation window allows the user to change the
process PID loop compensation gains in order to adjust the power
supply’s response to changes in the process feedback. Each parameter
has a slider for adjusting its respective value. Changing the value in the
Min or Max box of a parameter will rescale the range of the slider. The
Value field shows the current value of a parameter.
Enter/adjust the Proportional gain in Kp, the Integral gain in Ki, the
Derivative gain in Kd, and the 2nd pole position.