Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual

Page 513

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Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™

User Manual




rand function 404, 435
RAND_MAX macro 403
RANGE command 269
Range error, generating 70
Read Serial button 91
Reading input 436
readme.txt, location of viii
realloc function 404, 435
Rebuild All button 18
rebuild, script file command 381
Red octagon 328, 344
Refresh button 81

changing values 329
preserving 176

Registers window 329
Registers Window button 22
Regular Expression check box 41, 42
Relational operators in assembly 221
Release configuration 83, 84
Relocatable segments 212, 214, 260
Remainder, computing 416
Remove All Breakpoints button 19, 21
Remove All button 44, 346
Remove Breakpoint command 347
Remove button 44, 346
Replace All button 43
Replace button 43
Replace dialog box 42
Replace With field 42
Replace With list box 42
Reserved words

in assembly 218
in headers 178

Reset button 18, 20
Reset to Symbol ’main’ (Where Applicable) check

box 102

reset, script file command 381
Return values 175
Revision history iii
RI function 183
rom 178
ROM address space 69, 212, 304
ROM_DATA segment 188, 213

ROM_TEXT segment 188, 213
Run Command button 20
Run to Cursor button 21
Run-time library 177, 391

formatting 177, 391
functions 407
nonstandard headers 178
standard headers 391
using functions 392
using headers 392


Sample program 2
Save As dialog box 38, 82
Save as Type drop-down list box 38
Save Files Before Build check box 96
Save In drop-down list box 38, 83
Save Project Before Start of Debug Session check

box 102

Save to File dialog box 335
Save/Restore Project Workspace check box 97
SAVEMEM, script file command 381
scanf function 402, 436

conversion characters 438

SCOPE directive 251
Script file

commands 364
definition 363
example 363
writing 363

Search functions 404, 406, 412
SEARCHPATH command 270
SEGMENT directive 213, 235
Segments 188, 213, 260

absolute 212, 214, 231, 260
address space 232
alignment 214, 231
allocation order 270
attaching code 214
attaching data 214
copying 263, 264

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