Glossary – Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual

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Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™

User Manual





Absolute Value.


Analog-to-Digital—the conversion of an analog signal, such as a waveform, to a digital signal, repre-

sented by binary data. See ADC.


Analog-to-Digital Converter—a circuit that converts an analog signal to a digital bit stream. See A/


address space.

The physical or logical area of the target system’s memory map. The memory map could

be physically partitioned into ROM to store code, and RAM for data. The memory can also be divided log-
ically to form separate areas for code and data storage.


See Arithmetic Logical Unit.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

The U.S. standards organization that establishes proce-

dures for the development and coordination of voluntary American National Standards.


From the word analogous, meaning similar to. The signal being transmitted can be represented in

a way similar to the original signal. For example, a telephone signal can be seen on an oscilloscope as a
sine wave similar to the voice signal being carried through the phone line.

analog signal.

A signal that exhibits a continuous nature rather than a pulsed or discrete nature.


A bitwise AND instruction.


American National Standards Institute.

application program interface (API).

A formalized set of software calls and routines that can be refer-

enced by an application program to access supporting network services.


Of a computer, the physical configuration, logical structure, formats, protocols, and opera-

tional sequences for processing data, controlling the configuration, and controlling the operations. Com-
puter architecture may also include word lengths, instruction codes, and the interrelationships among the
main parts of a computer or group of computers.

Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU).

the element that can perform the basic data manipulations in the central

processor. Usually, the ALU can add, subtract, complement, negate, rotate, AND, and OR.


1. An arrangement of elements in one or more dimensions. 2. In a programming language, an aggre-

gate that consists of data objects with identical attributes, each of which may be uniquely referenced by


Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The standard code used for

information interchange among data processing systems, data communications systems, and associated
equipment in the United States.


Assembler File.


1. The manufacturing process that converts circuits in wafer form into finished packaged parts.

2. A short term for assembly language.

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