Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual
Page 502

Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™
User Manual
div_t 403
DL directive 229
Down button 41, 42
Download Code button 18, 20
DS directive 232
DW directive 230
Edit Breakpoints command 344
Edit button 62
Edit menu
Copy 40
Cut 40
Delete 40
Find 40
Find Again 41
Find in Files 41
Go to Line 43
Manage Breakpoints 43
Paste 40
Redo 40
Replace 42
Select All 40
shortcuts 106
Show Whitespaces 40
Undo 40
Editor tab, Options dialog box 97, 100
EDOM 393, 403
EI 181
Enable All button 43, 345
Enable Breakpoint command 346
Enable check box 90
Enable/Disable Breakpoint button 19, 21
END directive 232
ENDMACRO directive 247
.ENDSTRUCT directive 240
.ENDWITH directive 243
enum declarations with trailing commas 169
enumeration data type 167
EOF macro 402
EQU directive 233
ERAM address space 70, 212, 305
ERANGE 393, 403
Erase Before Flashing check box 90
ERASE button 90
erom 178
EROM address space 70, 212, 304
EROM_DATA segment 188, 213
EROM_TEXT segment 188, 213
errno macro 393
Error conditions 393, 398
ANSI C-Compiler 197
assembler 255
linker/locator 297
Ethernet Smart Cable
Executable Formats area 74
Executable formats, for Linker 74
EXIT_FAILURE macro 403
EXIT_SUCCESS macro 403
exit, script file command 372
exp function 399, 415
Expand Macros check box 51
expf function 400, 415
Exponential functions 399, 415
Exporting project as make file 82
arithmetic operators 220
binary numbers 222
Boolean operators 221
character constants 223
decimal numbers 222
hexadecimal numbers 222
in assembly 220
linker 273
LOW operator 221
LOW16 operator 221
octal numbers 222
operator precedence 223
relational operators 221