Numerics – Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual
Page 496

Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™
User Manual
| (or) 279
~ (not) 280
$$ 249
16 Bit Data Width check box 77
abs function 405, 407
Absolute segments 214, 231
definition 212, 260
locating 266
Absolute value, computing 407, 416, 423
Access breakpoints
clearing all 366
clearing at specified address 366
setting 365
acos function 398, 408
acosf function 399, 408
Activate Breakpoints check box 103
Add button 78
add file, script file command 364
Add Files to Project dialog box 7, 46
Add Project Configuration dialog box 85
Adding breakpoints 344
Adding files to a project 6, 46
Additional Directives check box 62
Additional Linker Directives dialog box 62
Additional Object/Library Modules field 65
Address button 74
Address Hex field 90
Address range, syntax 70
Address spaces 212
allocation order 270
definition 212, 259
grouping 266
linking sequence 269
locating 266
moving 262
renaming 262
setting maximum size 268
setting ranges 70, 269
ZNEO 212
Advanced Editor Options dialog box
ALIGN clause 231
ALIGN directive 227
Allocating space 426
Always Generate from Settings button 61
Always Rebuild After Configuration Activated
Anonymous labels 251
Another Location button 80
Another Location field 80
ANSI C-Compiler
command line options 354
comments 169
data type sizes 169
error messages 197
running from the command line 350
run-time library 177, 391
warning messages 197
writing C programs 155
arc cosine, computing 408
arc sine, computing 408
arc tangent, computing 409, 410
Arithmetic operators in assembly 220
Array function 413
ASCII values, viewing 339
ASCIZ values, viewing 339
asctime function 170
asin function 398, 408
asinf function 399, 408
asm statement 167
Assembler 211