Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual
Page 326

Warning and Error Messages
Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™
User Manual
719 "<segment>" is an absolute or located segment. Relocation was ignored.
attempt was made to relocate an absolutely located segment.
720 "<name> calls <name>" graph node which is not defined.
This message provides
detailed information about how an undefined function name is called.
721 Help file "<name>" not found.
The named help file could not be found. You may
need to reinstall the development system software.
723 "<name>" has not been ordered.
The named group, section, or address space does
not have an order assigned to it.
724 Symbol <name> (<file>) is not defined.
The named symbol is referenced in the
given file, but not defined. Only the name of the file containing the first reference is listed
within the parentheses; it can also be referenced in other files.
726 Expression structure could not be stored. Out of memory.
Memory to store an
expression structure could not be allocated.
727 Group structure could not be stored. Out of memory.
Memory to store a group
structure could not be allocated.
730 Range structure could not be stored. Out of memory.
Memory to store a range
structure could not be allocated.
731 File "<file>" is not found.
The named input file or a library file name or the structure
containing a library file name was not found.
732 Error encountered opening file "<file>".
The named file could not be opened.
736 Recursion is present in call graph.
A loop has been found in the call graph, indicat-
ing recursion.
738 Segment "<segment>" is not defined.
The referenced segment name has not been
739 Invalid space "<space>" is defined.
The named address space is not valid. It must
be either a group or an address space.
740 Space "<space>" is not defined.
The referenced space name is not defined.
742 <error message>.
A general-purpose error message.
743 Vector "<vector>" not defined.
The named interrupt vector could not be found in
the symbol table.