Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual
Page 509

Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™
User Manual
Linker map file, sample 280
Linker/locator error messages 297
Linker/locator warning messages 297
Linking sequence, creating 269
list bp, script file command 373
LIST directive 234
Listing file, assembly 215
Load Debug Information (Current Project) check
Load from File dialog box 336
Load Last Project on Startup check box 97
LOADMEM, script file command 373
Local labels in assembly 251
Local macro label 249
Locals window 339, 340
Locals Window button 22
LOCATE command 266
detailed description 259
error messages 297
warning messages 297
.lod file extension 74
log function 400, 424
log, script file command 373
log10 function 400, 425
log10f function 400, 425
Logarithm, computing 424, 425
Logarithmic functions 400
logf function 400, 424
long long int type 169
longjmp function 401, 425
Look In drop-down list box
Add Files to Project dialog box 46
Open dialog box 37
Select Linker Command File dialog box 63
Look in Subfolders check box 42
LOW operator 221
LOW16 operator 221
LOWADDR operator 277
.lst file extension 214, 215
MACEXIT directive 250
Macro Assembler 211
adding null characters 220
arithmetic operators 220
binary numbers 222
Boolean operators 221
case sensitivity 49
character constants 223
character strings 220
command line options 352
decimal numbers 222
directives 226
error messages 255
expressions 220
generating listing file (.lst) 214
generating object file 215
hexadecimal numbers 222
numeric representation 220
octal numbers 222
operator precedence 223
relational operators 221
reserved words 218
running from the command line 351
setup 49
syntax 252
warning messages 255
__CONST_IN_ROM__ 171
__DATE__ 170
__FILE__ 170
__LINE__ 170
__MODEL__ 171
__STDC__ 170
__TIME__ 170
__ZDATE__ 171
__ZILOG__ 171
__ZNEO__ 171
character handling 394
concatenation character 248
diagnostics 394
empty arguments 169