Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual
Page 232

Warning and Error Messages
Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™
User Manual
162 Conditional expression operands are not compatible.
One operand of a condi-
tional expression cannot be promoted to the type of the other operand.
163 Casting a non-pointer to a pointer.
An attempt was made to promote a non-pointer
to a pointer.
164 Type name of cast must be scalar type.
An attempt was made to cast an expression
to a non-scalar type.
165 Operand to cast must be scalar type.
An attempt was made to cast an expression
whose type was not scalar.
166 Expression is not a structure or union.
An expression was encountered whose
type was not structure or union where only a structure or union is allowed.
167 Expression is not a pointer to a structure or union.
An attempt was made to
dereference a pointer with the arrow operator, and the expression’s type was not pointer to
a structure or union.
168 Cannot take size of void, function, or bit field types.
An attempt was made to take
the size of an expression whose type is void, function, or bit field.
169 Actual parameter has no corresponding formal parameter.
An attempt was made
to call a function whose formal parameter list has fewer elements than the number of argu-
ments in the call.
170 Formal parameter has no corresponding actual parameter.
An attempt was made
to call a function whose formal parameter list has more elements than the number of argu-
ments in the call.
171 Argument type is not compatible with formal parameter.
An attempt was made to
call a function with an argument whose type is not compatible with the type of the corre-
sponding formal parameter.
172 Identifier "
An attempt was made to use
the dot operator on an expression whose type was not structure or union.
173 Identifier "
The tag of a declaration of a structure
object does not have type structure.
174 Identifier "
The tag of a declaration of a union object
does not have type union.
175 Structure or union tag "
The tag of a declaration of a
structure or union object is not defined.