Zilog ZUSBOPTS User Manual
Page 498

Zilog Developer Studio II – ZNEO™
User Manual
adding 27
deleting 28
example 27
finding 28, 29
inserting 27
jumping to 28, 29
moving to 28, 29
next bookmark 28
previous bookmark 29
removing 28
setting 27
using 26
Boolean operators in assembly 221
bp when, script file command 365
bp, script file command 365
Break button 21
Breakpoints 344
activating 345
adding 344
deactivating 346
deleting 346
disabling 346
enabling 345
finding 345
inserting 344
jumping to 345
making active 345
making inactive 346
moving to 345
placing 344
removing 346
setting 344
viewing 344
Breakpoints dialog box 43, 344, 345
Broadcast Address field 81
bsearch function 404, 412
Build button 18
Build menu 83
Build 83
Clean 83
Compile 83
Manage Configurations 84
Rebuild All 83
Set Active Configuration 83
shortcuts 107
Stop Build 83
Update All Dependencies 83
Build Output window 14, 29, 30
Build toolbar 18
Build Type list box 3, 34
build, script file command 366
Building a project 13
calling assembly from 174
calling from assembly 176
escape sequences 167
preserving routines 176
return values 175
run-time library 177, 391
writing programs 155
C run-time initialization file 187
C Startup Module area 66
Calculate Checksum dialog box 92, 93
Call Stack window 340
Call Stack Window button 22
Calling assembly from C 174
calloc function 404, 413
cancel all, script file command 366
cancel bp when, script file command 366
cancel bp, script file command 366
Cascade the files 104
Case sensitivity
command line options 354
comments 169
data type sizes 169
error messages 197
running from the command line 350
run-time library 177, 391
warning messages 197
writing C programs 155