Installation – Datapath Wall Control User Manual

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Wall Control-red consists of two separate elements that work together to enable you to control the display wall, the Wall
Control-red Application and the Wall Control-red Server.

Wall Control-red Application

The Wall Control-red Application should be installed on the machine that has been identified to control the display wall. This
could be any machine on the network including the machine driving the display wall. The application element of Wall Control-red
is used to control the position, size and properties of each window displayed on the Server machine.

Wall Control-red Server

The Wall Control-red Server is used to display Vision and application windows. The Server element of Wall Control-red needs
to be installed on the machine from which you wish to create Vision and application windows.


If you are using the Wall Control-red hardware key for the first time, it should not be inserted into your USB port until
the installation of the application is complete. The operating system will not recognise the device and will allocate a
generic driver.

To install Wall Control-red, browse and locate the


, double click on the install icon and the installation wizard will

be activated.

The first dialogue displays details of compatible operating systems. Click


ext> to continue and the Licence Agreement

dialogue is displayed. To proceed with the application installation the terms of the License Agreement must be accepted
by clicking on the acceptance box.

Once the Licence Agreement has been accepted click



If you are using the Wall Control-red hardware key for the first time, it should not be inserted into your USB
port before you get to this stage of the installation. The operating system will not recognise the device and will
allocate it a generic driver.

The hardware key must remain in the USB port after installation otherwise the advanced Wall Control-red features will not

Wall Control-red will, by default, be installed in Program Files; the Destination dialogue can be used to select a different
location for installation by clicking on


Once the required location has been selected Click


ext> to continue.

The next dialogue displays the name of the folder where the Wall Control-red application shortcuts will be created. The
name of the folder can be changed to suit requirements. Click


ext> to continue to the Application/Server dialogue.

The Application/Server dialogue enables you to select which elements of Wall Control-red are installed on a particular

Wall Control-red Server

The Wall Control-red Server is used to display Vision and application windows. It should be installed on the machine that
contains the relevant hardware.

Wall Control-red Application

The Wall Control-red Application is used to control the position, size and properties of each window displayed on the Wall
Control-red Server machine. The Wall Control-red Application should be installed on the machine you wish to use to
control the display. This could be any machine on the network or the same machine as the Wall Control-red Server. Click


ext> to continue to the Components dialogue.

Use the Components dialogue to select which components of Wall Control-red you wish to install. Click


ext> to

continue to the Install dialogue.

The Install dialogue displays a summary of the options you have selected during installation. If you wish to change any of
the options, use the <


ack button and locate the option you wish to change. Once the correct options have been

selected, click


ext> to install Wall Control-red.

Wall Control-red has now been installed; Click


inish and a prompt to reboot your machine will be displayed.

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