Systemverilog slave api – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

Page 68

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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


SystemVerilog Slave BFM
SystemVerilog Slave API

April 2014

// Get the current value of the assertion bit vector
config_assert_bitvector = bfm.get_config(AXI4_CONFIG_ENABLE_ASSERTION);

// Assign the AXI4_AWADDR_CHANGED_BEFORE_AWREADY assertion bit to 0
config_assert_bitvector[AXI4_AWADDR_CHANGED_BEFORE_AWREADY] = 0;

// Set the new value of the assertion bit vector
bfm.set_config(AXI4_CONFIG_ENABLE_ASSERTION, config_assert_bitvector);


Do not confuse the AXI4_CONFIG_ENABLE_ASSERTION bit vector with the
AXI4_CONFIG_ENABLE_ALL_ASSERTIONS global enable/disable.

To re-enable the AXI4_AWADDR_CHANGED_BEFORE_AWREADY assertion, follow the
above code sequence and assign the assertion within the
AXI4_CONFIG_ENABLE_ASSERTION bit vector to 1. For a complete listing of AXI4-Lite
assertions, refer to “

AXI4-Lite Assertions

” on page 369.

SystemVerilog Slave API

This section describes the SystemVerilog Slave API.