Chapter 8 vhdl master bfm, Overloaded procedure common arguments – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual

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Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3


April 2014

Chapter 8


This chapter provides information about the VHDL master BFM. The BFM has an API that
contains procedures to configure the BFM and to access the dynamic “

Transaction Record

” on

page 28 during the life of the transaction.

Overloaded Procedure Common Arguments

The BFMs use VHDL procedure overloading, which results in the prototype having a number
of prototype definitions for each procedure. Their arguments are unique to each procedure and
concern the protocol or operational transaction fields for a transaction. These procedures have
several common arguments, which can be optional, and include the arguments described below:

transaction_id is an index number that identifies a specific transaction. Each new
transaction automatically increments the index number until reaching 255, the
maximum value, and then the index number automatically wraps to zero. The
transaction_id uniquely identifies each transaction when there are a number of
concurrently active transactions.

queue_id is a unique identifier for each queue in a test bench. A queue is used to pass the
record of a transaction between the address, data and response channels of a write
transaction, and the address and data channels of a read transaction. There is a maximum
of eight queues available within an AXI4 BFM-Lite. Refer to “

Advanced Slave API


” on page 344 for more details on the application of the queue_id.

bfm_id is a unique identification number for each master, slave, and monitor BFM in a
multiple BFM test bench.

path_id is a unique identifier for each parallel process in a multiple process test bench.
You must specify the path_id for test bench stimulus to replicate the pipelining features
of a protocol in a VHDL test bench. If no pipelining is performed in the test bench
stimulus (a single process), then specifying the path_id argument for the procedure is
optional. There is a maximum of eight paths available within an AXI4 BFM-Lite. Refer
to “

Advanced Slave API Definition

” on page 344 for more details on the application of

the path_id.

tr_if is a signal definition that passes the content of a transaction between the VHDL and
SystemVerilog environments.