Example 11-14. handle_read, Example 11-14 – Altera Mentor Verification IP Altera Edition AMBA AXI4-Lite User Manual
Page 347
VHDL Tutorials
Verifying a Master DUT
Mentor Verification IP AE AXI4-Lite User Guide, V10.3
April 2014
variable is previously defined to hold the transaction_id. If the queue is empty, then
will block until content is available.
The call to
configures the RVALID signal delay.
In a loop, the call to the
helper procedure returns the actual address addr for a
particular byte location and the byte_length of the data phase (beat). This byte address is used to
read the data byte from
with the call to
helper procedure sets the byte in the read transaction record. If the returned
byte_length>1, then the code performs in the byte_length loop the reading and setting of the
read data from internal memory for the whole of the read data phase (beat).
The read data phase is executed over the protocol signals by calling
.The loop completes and restarts by waiting for another
transaction_id to be placed into the queue.
Example 11-14. handle_read
end process;-- handle_read : read data and response through path 4
-- This process reads data from memory and send read data/response
variable read_trans: integer;
variable byte_length : integer;
variable addr : std_logic_vector(AXI4_MAX_BIT_SIZE-1 downto 0);
variable data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
pop_transaction_id(read_trans, AXI4_QUEUE_ID_1, index, AXI4_PATH_4,
set_read_data_valid_delay(read_trans, AXI4_PATH_4,
get_read_addr(read_trans, 0, byte_length, addr, index, AXI4_PATH_4,
do_byte_read(addr, data);
set_read_data(read_trans, 0, byte_length, addr, data, index,
AXI4_PATH_4, axi4_tr_if_4(index));
if byte_length > 1 then
for j in 1 to byte_length-1 loop
get_read_addr(read_trans, j, byte_length, addr, index,
AXI4_PATH_4, axi4_tr_if_4(index));
do_byte_read(addr, data);
set_read_data(read_trans, j, byte_length, addr, data, index,
AXI4_PATH_4, axi4_tr_if_4(index));
end loop;
end if;
execute_read_data_phase(read_trans, index, AXI4_PATH_4,
end loop;
end process;